Frequently asked questions

How do I reach Thermae Boetfort with public transport?

You can take the following busses from "De Lijn" to come to our thermal baths: bus "De Lijn" 225 from Vilvoorde - stop Gillijnsstraat (60m walk to Thermae Boetfort), bus "De Lijn" 681 of 682 from Zaventem - stop Gillijnstraat (60m walk from Thermae Boetfort), bus "De Lijn" 270 or 271 from Brussels - stop Geerensstraat (700m walk from Thermae Boetfort), bus "De Lijn" 651 from Leuven - stop Melsbroek Groeneveld (400m walk from Thermae Boetfort).

Other questions in the category ‘Accessibility’

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