Frequently asked questions

Do I always have to reserve in advance for a treatment or wellness package?

Booking is always recommended. This makes it possible for us to plan treatments correctly by providing the proper staff and so on. For example, we always leave time between treatments so you can enjoy a sauna, wellness, pouring baths, and the restaurant and we are in a better position to meet your needs.

Reservations are always made by phone (Thermae Boetfort: 02 759 81 96 / Thermae Grimbergen: 02 270 81 96) or via the contact form.

Don’t despair if you arrive on site and have a mysterious urge for a salutary massage or treatment. Every day, we set aside a few hours for last minutes. You can book these sessions at reception.

Het antwoord op je vraag niet teruggevonden?

Geen probleem, stuur een mailtje naar info@thermae.com, neem telefonisch contact op of vul het contactformulier in. Wij helpen je graag verder.

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