

Find peace after the busy month of September.

September is often a hectic month: schools start again, work projects ramp up, and the relaxed routine of summer gives way to the busy pace of daily life. 

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However, once October arrives, there is an opportunity to regain tranquility. October is increasingly seen as the "Month of Mindfulness", and for good reason. It is the perfect time to explore the benefits of mindfulness and integrate them into your daily life.

What is mindfulness, really?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, with non-judgmental attention to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. It involves focusing on the here and now without being distracted or excessively ruminating on the past or the future.

There are three key aspects of mindfulness:

  1. Awareness: Mindfulness is about being aware of what is happening at this moment, both in your surroundings and within yourself.

  2. Acceptance: Instead of judging or wanting to change something, you accept things as they are without reacting emotionally.

  3. Non-judgment: You let go of labels such as “good” or “bad” and simply observe experiences as they come and go.

Mindfulness is often practiced through techniques like meditation and deep breathing, but it can also be integrated into everyday activities such as eating and exercising. The practice of mindfulness has its roots in Buddhist traditions but has become popular in the West due to its mental health benefits, such as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and improving focus, emotional regulation, and overall well-being.

How can you practice mindfulness in October?

  1. Start the day mindfully: Begin your mornings with a short breathing meditation. If you have no experience with this, learn the basics of meditation in our group mindfulness meditation class. This can help you start the day calm and focused, with less stress and more clarity. Our various forms of yoga can also assist you with this. Click here for our group classes.

  2. Exercise with intention: Before starting your workout, take a moment to set your intention. Ask yourself, "What do I want to achieve from my training today?"

  3. Mindful cooldown: Finish your workout with some stretching exercises while focusing on the feeling of your muscles and your breathing.

  4. Relax in the water: While swimming laps, try to be aware of your breathing and how your body cuts through the water. Let thoughts come and go like waves in the water.

  5. Unwind in the sauna: Focus on the warmth on your skin, your breathing, and how your body responds to the rising temperature. Use this time as a moment for meditation and letting go.

Use October to regain balance and discover the power of mindfulness as a means to recover both physically and mentally.

See you soon at Thermae Sports!

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