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Mooie wenkbrauwen krijg je zo!

 - Beauty

Met deze handige tutorial heb ook jij in een mum van tijd perfecte wenkbrauwen. Zoals alles, geldt ook bij dit werkje: goed begonnen, is half gewonnen.  Start met het zoeken van het juiste plekje voor deze klus. Zorg voor goede verlichting (liefst daglicht) en gebruik een handige spiegel. Klaar? Start!

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High and low blood pressure

 - Health

While your body is cooling down, your blood vessels start to narrow or may even close , which means that your blood pressure will rise and become even higher than it would normally be. Some prudence is therefore in order!

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Sauna and asthma

 - Health

Many asthma patients have a bad feeling about the idea of a sauna, but in fact there is really no need. It's a question of trying, because only a minority of people don't enjoy a sauna. 

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Massages are healthy

 - Beauty

An American study, involving some fifty subjects, brought some amazing results to light. For research purposes, a number of the participants were given a firm massage while their counterparts received a more gentle massage. 

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To the sauna in 11 steps

 - Sauna experience

Everyone enjoys going to the sauna, but few people realise how important it is to follow the right steps in taking a sauna. Here are a few tips to optimise your sauna visit!

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A day of sauna plus a massage for your birthday at a price-busting 57 euros, exclusively for our newsletter subscribers!

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