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Relaxing is a skill you can learn

 - Health

On the 10 th  of October, it’s World Mental Health Day. The last few months have been quite unsettling, with many of us feeling anxious and uncertain. The ability to find inner calm is now more important than ever. 

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The importance of silence

 - Health

In Belgium, Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 1 to 10 October. Not really necessary, you say? Well, we think it is. Research has shown that almost 800,000 people in Flanders suffer from excessive stress and that no less than 10% of our youngsters develop an anxiety disorder.

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Take a mobile phone break

 - Health

Do you also spend your evenings scrolling mindlessly through Facebook, Instagram, news sites etc? It’s time to take a break from this, because not only are you missing out on important quality time with family or friends, it also has a negative impact on your health.

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Face mask on? Adapt your skincare regime!

 - Beauty

These days, face masks are everywhere. While some of us only wear a face mask to go to the shops, the rest of us have to wear one all day long at work. Unfortunately, this new ‘accessory’ isn’t always kind to our skin. We are happy to share our tips to make wearing a face mask a bit more bearable!

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